Advanced Configuration

Here cover more advanced configuration scenarios.

Customizing the Blocking Action

By default, settings.PGMIGRATE_BLOCKING_ACTION is set to pgmigrate.Terminate, meaning blocking queries are automatically terminated. It can also be set to pgmigrate.Show to show blocking queries or None to disable any action altogether.

You can supply a custom action to settings.PGMIGRATE_BLOCKING_ACTION to further customize what happens when migrations are blocked. Inherit pgmigrate.BlockingAction and implement the worker method, which takes the migrate management command instance and a pglock.models.BlockedPGLock queryset matching all blocking locks. The function returns the blocking locks that were handled.

Here’s what the pgmigrate.Terminate action looks like:

import pgmigrate

class Terminate(pgmigrate.BlockingAction):
    def worker(self, cmd, blocking_locks):
        A periodic background task that terminates blocking locks.

            cmd: The instance of the "migrate" management command
            blocking_locks: A queryset of matching locks using the
                ``BlockedPGLock`` model from the ``django-pglock`` library.
        terminated = blocking_locks.terminate_blocking_activity()

        if terminated:  # pragma: no branch
            pluralize = "ies" if len(terminated) != 1 else "y"
            if cmd.verbosity:
                        f"\n  Terminated {len(terminated)} blocking quer{pluralize}..."
                    ending=" ",

        return terminated

Remember, the action is ran periodically during migrations. Above we’re using cmd.stdout to print messages because cmd is an instance of a management command. See the Django docs for more information on how management commands work.

Consult the django-pglock docs for more information on how to use the BlockedPGLock model and queryset methods.

Configuring the Blocking Action Interval

By default, blocking actions are ran every second. Supply a datetime.timedelta object to settings.PGMIGRATE_BLOCKING_ACTION_INTERVAL to change this.

Disabling Patching of the Migrate Command

By default, the migrate command is patched to use the pgmigrate command from django-pgmigrate. If this isn’t desirable, set settings.PGMIGRATE_PATCH_MIGRATE to False.

If disabled, you’ll need to run the pgmigrate management command to apply migrations and use the features of django-pgmigrate.